Sunday, March 17, 2013

Theme team

During the Antebellum Era, the United States' political standing was facing drastic change. As a result of the many social reformations going in at the time.Politicaly, America was changing because women and men were and petitioning for rights for women. They weren't only fighting for their god given rights but for their universal suffrage. They believed that they had the right to vote just like men, and no one can take it from them. Women like Elizabeth Stanton fought for women's right to vote and due to her contribution and dedication, she manage to change the status of women by getting a bill passed in Congress. Today this would be referred to as the 19th Amendment, stating that U.S citizens can not be denied the right to vote. Secondly, many other reformers changed the Antebellum Era, for example, Fredrick Douglas. He was an advocate for the anti-slavery movement, he preached, fought and spread the word for the abolishment of slavery. He changed citizenship of the Era, because he got to people to think about how African Americans aren't just items and property to sell but people. Because of his hard work and effort, he is one of the many people to help with the issue of slvery.The significance of citizenship, politics and reformation during the Antebellum Era, is important because it informed people of what the effects and the cause of the events that happened. They did this by reformers speaking their minds about the political status of individuals and their citizenship, changing the American government forever.

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