Annotated Bibliography: De Las Casas

Tiana Golding

Annotated bibliography: "Of the island of Hispanola"

De Las Casas, Bartolome. "Of the Island of Hispanola" Very Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. Trans.Nigel Griffen, 1542.Print

          De Las Casas was the first Spanish priest to arrive to the New World and he protected the Native Americans from the cruel Spaniards. De Las Casas compares the Spaniards to wolves tigers and lions and the Indians to hopeless sheep.The christian Spaniards did horrible things to all of the Indians no matter who they were child, women and pregnant women would all get tortured. This passage is in the perspective of De Las Casas only. However, i don't believe there are any bias' because De Las Casas was only documenting what he seen. Here we see in vivid description that the Spaniards were very cruel to the indians but at the same time, we need some more information on what De Las Casas thought. Yes, we know that he was an advocate for the indians but the passage doesn't tell us anymore about his thoughts. This is helpful to us because this goes more into depth of the treatment of the Spaniards and the lengths they were willing to go to to rid the Indians. 

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