
Tiana Golding

Politics,Citizenship and Reform

 My topic focused on Government and Politics in  different societies. Over time the politics in different societies and time periods government started to get more strict and tight on the people. In the pre-Columbian societies, Iroquois for example the confederacy was their government. Each nation would have multiple male representatives that would be in the Iroquois council so each nation had a say and could agree and disagree on things peacefully. Meanwhile the political center of the Aztec civilization was the great city of Tenochtitlán ruled by a dictator. Politics in the New England during the colonial era largely revolved around the Christian religion.Those who expressed a different approach to religious beliefs were not welcome. Church and state in the New England colonies were closely aligned, the law ordered that states enforce religious devotion. However, slavery was permitted and social inequalities like gender, and status were considered acts of god's will. .During the era of the American Revolution, the main form of government was constitutional monarchy in which a monarch acts as head of state and restricts the governed from many things but has limited power himself. All of the societies had different methods of governing their societies.The American revolution era was controlled by a monarch, the puritans controlled themselves and the Iroquois were governed by a confederacy. From Pre-Colombian societies to the American Revolution, government and politics got more controlling on the people being governed.

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