Annotated Bibliography: Columbus' Diary

On Wednesday October 10th, the journey continues. However, Columbus' lies were growing old to the crew members and they started to loose hope. The Admiral pushed them as hard as he could by emphasizing all of the benefits of reaching land.One more long day went by and they finally reached land!!!They met the Guanahani speaking people and began to trade with them. The Admiral noticed  that the natives ware nice and this was good for them because they could easily be converted to their religion. This Journal entry is mostly in the perspective of the Admiral and Columbus but we are also missing the perspectives from the crew and natives. Those two perspectives are important because even though Columbus and the Admiral ware ecstatic to find land, they barely did any thing on that long, agonizing journey but lie to and boss the crew around while they did the dirty work.As to the natives, we see that they are easily trading with them with no problem but that couldn't have been all they were thinking about.This Journal entry is important to us knowing about Columbus because  it gives us the date when they reached land and what happened. However, it is sort of limited because this is mostly from the Admirals perspective, Columbus barely said any thing about how he felt.

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