Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Theme Team

Tiana Golding
History- 10D


During the Antebellum Era the U.S. government was in its peak and was more state-centralized. At the time individual state governments had more power than the federal government. One of the major reasons that the South seceded from the union at the start of the Civil War was because it felt that the federal government was beginning to take too much power away from the states.The idea of the Manifest Dynasty came along to the nation during the antebellum period. This was the belief that it was a God-given right to expand to the Pacific Ocean. The westward expansion was aided by the advent of railroads, with tracks being built throughout the country to help move people, livestock and materials. Thus, making the economy stronger. The cause of the War of 1812 was not one, but several causes. The elevated tensions between America and the Native Americans led to several conflicts social, political and economic. Trade tensions were also a major cause of the War of 1812, as the southern part if the United States wished to continue trading slaves wiile the north didn't want to.

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