theme team: colonial societies

Theme Team: Colonial Societies (Politics, Citizenship and Reform group)

Politics in the New England during the colonial era largely revolved around the Christian religion. The first English colony in New England was founded bu a group of religious people called pilgrims.While still on board their ship, the Mayflower they signed the first political agreement. It was called the Mayflower Compact, which was signed by every one but servants and women, so really only signed by men.What those early colonists wanted was the freedom to worship God how they wanted to so, but they did not extend that freedom to everyone. Those who expressed a different approach to religious beliefs were not welcome. Puritans especially were intolerant toward those who held views other than their own.Church and state in the New England colonies were closely aligned, the law ordered that states enforce religious devotion. However, slavery was permitted and social inequalities like gender, and status were considered acts of god's will. Anyone who practiced witchcraft or worshipped a god other than the one acknowledged by the Puritans was subject to death. Roger Williams for example, believed in separation if church and state and religious tolerance. Because of his, according to the puritans, unorthodox ideas, Williams was banished by the General Court and forced to leave the colony of Massachusetts.

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