Theme Team post: American revolution

Tiana Golding

 Politics, Citizenship and Reform: American Revolution 

As a result of a number of wars in the colonies, many people doubted the status of the British government.During the era of the American Revolution, the main form of government was constitutional monarchy in which a monarch acts as head of state and restricts the governed from many things but has limited power himself. The governed people, in this case, the Americans longed to break away from England and govern themselves. The Britsh created policies and laws that repeatedly poked at the American colonist pestering them until the finialy resisted. The tea, stamp and sugar acts all embossed taxes on british goods. This made the Americans EXTREMELY angry and fed up with the British. These intolerable acts were one of the manny causes of the American Revolution.The stamp act for example, taxed every thing that was on paper and the colonies were not having that at all. All the British did was tax the Americans and make them angry. With Americans revolution in the American Revolution, they were now free from the over oppressive monarchy. 

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