Friday, May 24, 2013

Civil war era

Tiana Golding

Politics, citizenship and Reform: Civil War Era 

       During The Civil War Era, The country was split into two and during the separation both sides created and ratified new laws and amendments.The political part of the United States was changed during the war, there was no longer one political party, but two. During The Civil War Era, the Union represented things like no slaves and the principal that everyone is created equal. However, the Confederates or seceded States represented Slavery and white supremacy over blacks. On the verge of losing the war, Lincoln did what other presents in the past has not done. He suspended Habeas Corpus, which is in the constitution. During Maryland's voting period, they were debating to either be in the Confederate government or stay a border State. Lincoln made the decision to suspend the citizens the right to Habeas Corpus, so he imprison many Confederate officials and supporters in order for them not to spread their opinions. This relates to citizenship because Lincoln took away their rights as citizens to Habeas Corpus because he believed that it was essential in securing the stability of the United States. Additionally, During Reconstruction  Lincoln ratified the Constitution and implanted the 13th Amendment which ended Slavery, 14th Amendment which made all people born in U.S citizens, and the 15th Amendment which entitled Freed Blacks to vote. These Amendments apply to citizenship and Reform during the Civil War because the new Amendment changed the lives of not only Blacks but the lives of every American, it made African Americans citizens,It changed the political order in the U.S, blacks had the opportunity to be government officials, it also altered citizenship because it added 4.5million new American into society. Knowing how Citizenship, political and Reform effects history and especially the Civil War is important because knowing the change in society and political aspect of what lead up to what this country is now, allows us to make connections and conclusions on Americas identity.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Annotated Bibliography

Tiana Golding
The Gettysburg address was A speech delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, four months after the Battle of Gettysburg, for the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He defined American democracy, set apart the war for the Union, and described America as a " new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” Lincoln’s second inaugural address, delivered just over a month before his death, was about the war as he had come to understand it. The war that alrrady lasted 4 years, he believed, was nothing short of God’s own punishment for the sins of human slavery. The basic messages of both are similar in the way Lincoln focuses on the relationships between the American past, present and future. Both speeches weave their way through the past until arriving in the present, then finishes by looking ahead at the future this past and present created. These sources support each other because the Gettysburg address talks about how America is a "New Nation" and "dedicated to the proposition that All men are created equal" and in his 2nd innagural addressed America on the issue of slavery. They both show that Lincoln has high hopes for the future of America.

"Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Civil War Speech." Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Civil War Speech. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2013.